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UBITECH launches new EDF Development Action on Deployable Special Operations Forces Multi Environment Command Post and C2 System

UBITECH participates at the kick-off meeting hosted by INTRACOM DEFENSE (December 18 & 19, 2023) in Athens, Greece of the PROTEAS EDF Development Action, officially started on December 1st, 2023. The project is funded by the European Defence Fund 2022 Work Programme of the European Commission (Grant Agreement No. 101121371) and spans on the period December 2023 – November 2026. The PROTEAS project aims at providing a prototyped deployable Special Operations Forces (SOF) Command Post (SOFCP) Command & Control (SOFCPC2).

In particular, the envisioned SOFCPC2 platform will consist of the following parts: (a) the SOFCP shelter that will be air/sea/ground transportable, rapidly deployable  and resilient to adverse  operational and weather conditions; (b) the SOFCP Power system that will be a military grade, autonomous, horizontally scalable and low thermal/acoustic signature system capable of furnishing the energy needs of the entire SOFCP; (c) the SOFCP interoperable and cyber-secure communications infrastructure that will enable the exchange of information across the entire command hierarchy; (d)  the multiple domain Command and Control (C2) capable of supporting operations related to intelligence gathering from various sources, analysis and further dissemination of them towards enhanced situation awareness; (e)  the portable devices for field deployed SOF task groups providing C2 and DACAS (Digitally Aided Close Air Support) functionalities at the tactical edge; (f) the manned and unmanned assets, employed either for transportation of SOF Task Groups or the collection of intelligence and (g) the SOFCP perimeter security system capable of detecting ground threats near the camp.

Within PROTEAS, UBITECH contributes towards the design and development of PROTEAS Intelligence & Sensing Software Platform for real-time processing and correlation (based on the injected information from all sensors deployed by the SOF Task Units operating on the field). In particular, UBITECH will collect datasets (real and/or synthetic ones) to train AI algorithms; design a Big Data Analytics Framework for big data fusion, processing and storage of data provided from heterogeneous sources; design AI algorithms to support SOF Small Joint Operations (SJO) missions and specifically SOF Units located in All-Source Center within SOFCPC2; design Human Machine Interfaces for SOF Team Analysts to access data from Intelligence Engine; design an AI- based Federated network infrastructure to support data exchange of different classification levels.