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A successful review for the PrEstoCloud H2020 project in Brussels with UBITECH’s live demo of the integrated platform

The first contractual review meeting for the PrEstoCloud H2020 co-funded research project took place in Brussels on September 7, 2018. The PrEstoCloud consortium successfully presented the results of the work of the project during the first 18 months of project. UBITECH, as integration leader,provided a live demo of the integrated PrEstoCloud platform for the deployment of an application built using the micro-service paradigm and applications following the Function as a Service (FaaS) technology was deployed at Cloud and Edge resources.

Using PrEstoCloud web-based platform, we demonstrated how the available graph editor can be used for defining the demo application components, for creating the stateless anonymous functions that are used by the demo application and for setting deployment and scaling requirements of the dem application. Finally, the network and security stack created by UBITECH allowed the creation of a secure IPv6 based mesh network for Edge and Cloud devices based on IEEE 802.11s standard, HWMP and CJDNS. Thedemo application was deployed at Cloud and Edge resources, and a constant flow of metrics allowed the monitoring and scaling of the demo application when the load was increased. Overall the project was presented with success, while the feedback from the experts was helpful and inspiring the PrEstoCloud to further fruitful work.
